Google Brain : Is it the Future? ; - )

Here is a very interesting "Google Brain" Video which is showcasing the future possibilities of Google Search. It can interact with us like a real human being & provide us what we are looking for. I hope it will be a reality in the near future. ; - )


Unknown said…
just thought of leaving a note...

we share the same interest...bloggnig, photography, web development and research...

let me know if we can meet online some time and have a chat...
rohit malik said…
It would be nice if i could see your blog etc. to know a little more about you.
Tarana Khan said…
Fascinating video!! And suprisingly believable...I am a Google 'follower' myself...particularly bcoz I have a feeling Google is going to take over the world :)
Tarana Khan said…
Btw...pretty informative blog u have here.